Firefox desktop icon disappeared
Firefox desktop icon disappeared

The most relevant one to A2HS is the splash screen displayed when the app icon on the Home screen is tapped and it first starts to load (this currently appears only when apps have been added to the Home screen by Chrome).

  • background_color: Specifies a background color to be used in some app contexts.
  • The fields needed for A2HS are as follows: webmanifest extension is specified in the Media type registration section of the specification, but generally browsers will support manifests with other appropriate extensions, e.g.json. If you have Mobile Chrome available, the experience is slightly different upon loading our site, you'll see an install banner pop up asking whether you want to add this app to your Home screen.

    firefox desktop icon disappeared

    (Note: In Android 8 and higher, a system-level "Add to Home screen" permission dialog will be shown first.)

    firefox desktop icon disappeared

    Tapping this will show a confirmation banner - pressing the big + ADD TO HOME SCREEN button completes the action, adding the app to the Home screen. You'll see fox pictures, but more important, you'll see a "home" icon with a plus (+) icon inside it - this is the "Add to Home screen" icon displayed for any site that has the necessary features in place. If you have Firefox for Android available, use it to navigate to our demo at.

    firefox desktop icon disappeared

    The example displays a series of fox pictures. We've written a very simple example web site ( see our demo live, and also see the source code) that doesn't do much, but was developed with the necessary code to allow it to be added to a Home screen, as well as a service worker to enable it to be used offline.

    Firefox desktop icon disappeared